After serving with An International children and youth ministry for 17 years, Charles became fully aware of the missing gap in children ministries in Africa. Global Children’s Network (GCN) is the answer! This gap was only fitting to be narrowed by a new ministry promoting the idea from the beginning than trying to teach a new trick to an established ministry. The gap was effectively about bridging the church and homes through children ministry. By this he was having intentional continuation of the conversation from the church to every home. Discipleship cannot be complete in running a Bible Club Program for only two hours each week, but should be made a daily lifestyle. Children Leaders at church cannot go into every home but parents are available. Global Children’s Network was established based on closing this gap by connecting pastors to parents, thus giving opportunity for pastors to equip parents to disciple their own children. Therefore, effectively making fruitful Next Generation Disciples. This was what drew his family and him to support and serve in this unstoppable God’s movement.
Now being involved in championing Global Children’s Network that offers Malachi Kids Clubs and Malachi Family Clubs in Africa, have witnessed great reception from Pastors and parents resulting to healthy homes leading to establishing more healthy churches. Discipling children has led to discipling families that has given open doors to discipling communities and finally to countries. Who would not want to be part of this worthy cause? Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. Jn 15:13.
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