Mark and Debbie MacLachlan
Growing plants, growing people, growing Kingdom
Georgia, USA
Our Background: Thirty years in Ethiopia, mostly working in agriculture and gospel outreach ministry among Ethiopian subsistence farmers. At the same time led and supported teams throughout the country.
What Excites Us: Our passion is for fruitfulness in the lives of carriers of the gospel. We desire to see workers serving in both effectiveness of ministry as well as personal growth and health. Currently this includes people in/from eight African countries including Ethiopia, and the US. This we do through:
• Coaching, Mentorship, Encouragement
o Debbie’s training, skills and experience in social work, and Mark’s enhanced skills and experience as a trained and accredited coach, and years of field experience help us have the skills to conduct one-on-one interactions or small group sessions (in-person or online) with gospel workers from different cultures. Video conferencing takes us anywhere in the world.
• Regenerative restorative agriculture: Ethiopia
o We use gospel-centered regenerative restorative agriculture that allows small-plot farmers to grow more crops on less land with less work (Yes! We see it).
o With small-plot agriculture we teach, we follow up, we coach, we mentor, we encourage and we research. We help gospel carriers have a tool that brings greater physical harvests for better lives while bridging gaps for gospel outreach. At this time, the agriculture work we do is primarily in Ethiopia, where we know context and culture, among people that we have grown to love.
• Regenerative restorative agriculture: United States
o The agriculture principles are also applicable here in the US. We have experimented with a team at our local church on using the same small-plot farming techniques in US-based gardens as part of outreach and ministry.
For further information on any of the above, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].